I am happy to present an e-book entitled “CHROMATIC NOTES “. Being a trainer in Color Science and Technology, I have trained large number of Color Technologists from different Color Industries such as Paints, Plastics, Inks, Dyestuff and Pigment Industries and Textile Dyeing and Printing Industry. I wrote the Blog“CHROMATIC NOTES “in 2012. I thought that I should present an e- Book based on my Blog articles which was read by over 72000 readers who appreciated my Blog and gave me good response of appreciation. That is how this book is brought to you for sharing my practical experiences It covers various aspects of color and appearance , theory and practice of color measurement technology , computer match predictions , color control systems and quality assurance of color products. I share my practical experiences in the field as a color physicist, installation expert in computer color matching equipment, application specialist and marketing and sales executive for color control systems of American. Italian and Swiss instuments My special thanks to my wife,Neelima for her patience and encouragement. I thank Dir. J K Singh, Direrctor of Nitya Publications Pvt Ltd who brought this book in short time. I sincerely thank the Cover designer Mr. Ashish Pathak who has done a good artistic job.
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