There are a number of books on various aspects of Zoology, specially taxonomy and nomenclature, vis-a-vis on the patterns of distribution of animals across globe and in India, which are too comprehensive that a student of Zoology, in the M.Sc classes of the Indian Universities, do not find the subject very easy and handy. As per the pattern of examinations now-a-days adopted by the Universities, specially the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS pattern) in the semester systems and looking at the pattern of small and long answers for the examinations, and limitation of answering times, whether online or offline, I propose to write this hand book that gives a precise and to the point matter for students to understand and answer quickly.
It may also be a good guide for the new research scholars choosing their careers and professions in the taxonomic research. And once the subject makes its home in the minds of the scholars, the advance books on various topics can be consulted easily.
The book has been divided into many sections/ chapters dealing with the animal kingdom and its domains, taxonomy, Principles of taxonomy, classification, levels of classifications, systematatics, bioinformatics, evolution, speciation, natural selection vis-a-vis the causes for the wide spread distribution of animals, their zoogeography and biogeography, the Indian Biodiversity profile and the impacts of Invasive species biodiversity on the native fauna and flora as also the impacts of global warming on the flora and fauna; and the geological past of the planet earth. The species richness and the faunal diversity that thrives in a region or a country is often protected and conserved by various Acts and Conventions implemented and in force have been highlighted in the handbook which offers a complete and comprehensive list of those acts and conventions, applicable in India.
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